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Welcome to

Sisterhood of Colorado

We are a diverse group of women serving women and families of all races, ethnicities, and religious affilations who draw strength from each other in our committment to our shared sisterhood ideals.

We are not entirely faith based, however, we do prescribe to the ideals set out in religious texts; adhering to a moral code built upon mutual respect and kindness that extends to every member and the types of projects we are involved with.

Partnering with local schools, churches and business organizations, Sisterhood of Colorado puts our shared Christian faith into action through service to our communities by providing opportunities for all women to become everthing they were intended to be.


of Sisterhood of Colorado

Sisterhood of Colorado was established in 2017 as a 501c(3) to bring together and serve women in our local communities that need enrichment in their lives.

Our goal is to serve as positive role models in our communities, dedicating our time and service toward issues around
  Women's Health, including Family Services,   Outreach and   Education.

We demonstrate how women can work together in harmony.

From Our Members

Arleen Hilaire, Chairwoman

Sisterhood of Colorado has encouraged me to really appreciate the little things in life. Being able to help others during difficult times. It always satisfies me to share my life experiences with others and encourage them not to give up; keep moving forward.

Sherrie Furgason, Treasurer

I can say that being part of Sisterhood of Colorado has been very enlightening. Meeting such beautiful women and to be part of their lives. We have shared things which brings you closer, they are my Sisterhood of Colorado family and I feel honored. We are working as one to better the lives of others.

  "I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."   — Maya Angelou

Leadership Skills & Services

provided to Our Members

Build Relationships & Support Networks

Our sisters come from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Our meetings and events allow each sister the opportunity to interact with someone seemingly different, building lasting friendships and relationships with a shared sense of purpose in our sisterhood ideals.

Take on Challenges & Learn Life Skills

Our outreach programs provide opportunities for sisters to mentor with local business partners, developing skills from financial planning, to running a successful business, to successfully managing a group of employees working toward one outcome.

Set Goals & Expand Perspectives

Our meetings, events and activities are designed so that sisters come into direct contact with our community and local business leaders who can provide one on one interaction allowing our sisters the opportunity to learn and implement the new skills.

Find Inspiration & Sense of Purpose

Our organization while not entirely faith based is founded on the principles of love and mutual respect along with support for the ideals that define each of our sisters. We believe that women should support and stand behind other women regardless of race or background for the betterment of women worldwide.

Develop Inner Strength

Our meetings are structured toward fostering a comfortable environment for our sisters to easily discuss things in their communities, providing perspective on what they would like to see different or changed for the betterment of not only our sisters but also for the residents in our state.

Expand Professional & Business Opportunities

Our business partners and sisterhood network work with women across the country to grow and promote their business and gain access to local business and thought leaders in an effort to guide more women toward successful careers in leadership positions.

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