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Sisterhood of Colorado

We are a diverse group of women serving women and families of all races, ethnicites, and religious affiliations who draw strength from each other in our commitment to our shared sisterhood ideals.

We are not entirely faith based, however, we do prescribe to the ideals set out in religious texts; adhering to a moral code built upon mutual respect and kindness that extends to every member and the types of projects we are involved with.

Partnering with local schools, churches and business organizations, Sisterhood of Colorado puts our shared Christian faith into action through service to our communities by providing opportunities for all women to become everything they were intended to be.

Our Work

Sisterhood of Colorado was established in 2017 as a 501c(3) to provide educational, health and outreach services to women, children and families in our local communities regardless of race or legal status.

Our Giving

Charity and providing for our local communities is very important to Sisterhood of Colorado and our mission to provide women with quality educational, outreach and health services focusing on women's homelessness, mental health and family services.
To accomplish our goals Sisterhood of Colorado members meet on a monthly basis to review our financials, discuss strategic planning, future activities and events and recognize our new members. Sisterhood of Colorado started with four members and has now grown to over twelve members with plans to increase our membership to over fifty women by 2021.

Our Partners

Planning events is not easy, so we rely on our community and business partners to assist us in providing the resources and raw materials required to hold our events. Also invaluable to our organization are donations from outside organizations looking to support our mission of providing support for women, children and families in need in our local communities.

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them."  — Maya Angelou
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